The Authors

Jerome Hannaman

Gerry Gutierrez

Don Overstreet


Kallie-Jo (Wolf) Ho

Chairman of the Southern California Mobilization Office of Frontier Ventures, an organization focusing on mobilizing Christians to reach the unreached people of the world. Jerome has spent years exploring the people of GLAMA, their culture and faiths, which became the inspiration for this book. He did most of the preliminary research, took many of the pictures, contributed to much of the first draft of the book, and wrote the chapters From South Asia, From Central Asia, From Far East Asia, and From Africa.

Language Tracking Coordinator at Global Recordings Network; Gerry grew up among the Zapotec Indians in Oaxaca, Mexico, since 1951 while her parents translated the New Testament. She and her husband, David, were directors for GRN Mexico, Buenas Nuevas Mexico, for 20 years. The Gutierrez worked with Operation Samaria to research, write, design, and publish the "Alcancemos Las Etnias de México" book on Mexico. She is the author of the chapters on Migration, Angelinos in Space and Time, and From América to Los Angeles, and served as general editor for the complete book.

Deceased - President/Lead Church Planter Strategist of LA Reaching LA Foundation, a Church Planting Movement starting indigenous churches in LA and the World. He has been a Church Planter for the past 52 years, and an Adjunct Professor at Gateway Seminary for 25 years. He has written three Books: SENT OUT;  REACH THE CITIES, REACH THE WORLD and SATURATE: Developing Church Planting Movements in our Cities. Don coauthored the From Southeast Asia to GLAMA along with Jerome.

Note: It is with both sadness and joy that we report the home-going of Don Overstreet on December 8, 2017. He was a church planter who launched more than 500 churches, many in Los Angeles. Thousands of people will be in heaven because of Don's passion to share the good news of Jesus Christ. His son Kirk described him as one who “loved everyone no matter what and believed in the ones most didn't.” Don was an essential part of the team that produced EthnoLA, he helped birth it but isn't here to see it grow and thrive. We are praying for others to fill his place in the research and mobilization team dedicated to reaching the people of Greater Los Angeles.

During her college years she did research for the New York book ethNYcity. While she was in Los Angeles as an intern with the Southern Baptist Convention she did research and ministered to the Ethnic people here. She is the author of chapter From Arabia to Los Angeles and From South Asia To Los Angeles.

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